Have you recently had an impacted wisdom teeth removed? Wisdom teeth removal is a serious surgical procedure and it is important you recover well.
Wisdom teeth removal aftercare is one of the important aspects that define how successful the removal surgery is. The purpose of it is to minimize unnecessary pain and complications in the mouth.
Immediately after treatment, you should expect a certain amount of bleeding to appear, whether it be slight or severe. The surgeon will help to control the bleeding by rinsing old cloths and placing a gauze pad over the affected area to bite firmly down on. This should be repeated up until the bleeding has stopped.
The affected area will also begin to swell up. Swelling around the mouth, cheeks and side of the face should be expected. It is a normal reaction once an impacted wisdom tooth is removed. The swelling won’t become apparent straight away, but some hours after the surgery.
Wisdom teeth removal is painful, and the surgeon will likely recommend prescribed medication to take. This may make you feel groggy and lethargic for a short period. Pain and discomfort are usually severe for at least 24 hours after the procedure, but will eventually subside depending on how well you’re looking after yourself after the procedure.
How well and fast you heal after the removal procedure is solely dependent on you and your aftercare. The surgeon will recommend that you follow these tips so no complications occur with wisdom teeth removal aftercare.
Wisdom teeth removal aftercare isn’t straightforward. Therefore, there must be patience with the healing to avoid something called a dry socket. A blood clot will form by itself. The gauze pad given to you by the oral surgeon stems the bleeding for the blood clot to them develop. Dry socket will occur you do not care for your wound. This may include eating on the side of the affected area, not keeping the affected area clean and not smoking.
Your mouth must not be regularly used whilst the blood clot heals. You need to make sure that you avoid moving your mouth as much as possible. This means avoid speaking unnecessarily and adjust your diet and eat soft foods to avoid chewing and biting. Avoid eating solids or chewy foods until the blood clot has formed.
Again, regularly using your mouth isn’t recommended during the aftercare process. Limiting physical activity is also important. It is important that you avoid rigourous movements and physical exercise. Rest up properly so that the blood clot develops and the pain subsides.
The swelling inside the mouth should gradually decrease over time. A tip to reduce the swelling involves wrapping an ice pack or frozen pack of peas against the cheek. Do this for ten minutes at a time whilst taking prescribed medication. A reduction in swelling should be noticeable within 24 hours.
These wisdom teeth removal aftercare tips should be followed for faster healing. You can expect healing to take two to three days. Whilst at times healing will be uncomfortable, the blood clot will gradually grow faster.
Do you have a dead tooth? Read here to learn more about its causes and what you need to do to get it removed. If you continue to experience difficulties during wisdom teeth removal recovery, consulting the dentist is the right thing to do. Head to www.melbournewisdomteeth.com.au or call 03 9052 4422.